Book Reviews

Me hanging out with Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, publisher and author (and Ph.D. and IBCLC and many other amazing things!) I will be reviewing many of her books soon!

I love getting birth books and doing book reviews!  If you are interested in sending me your book I would love to check it out. It only makes sense if the book has something to do with birth or babies or parenting but I love novels about those subjects too.  Message me at sarah (at) birthbootcamp (dot) com and we will communicate.

I also handle social media and blog content for Birth Boot Camp and blog regularly at Mothering Magazine online and I love to promote great authors wherever possible with interviews or guest posts.  Get in touch! Here are a few reviews I have done.

Cut, Stapled, and Mended by Roanna Rosewood
One woman's journey to VBAC after two cesareans.

Hannah, Delivered by Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew
A novel about how one woman grows, changes and is "birthed" as she becomes a midwife and discovers her own origins.

The Midwife of Hope River by Patricia Harmon
Beautiful novel about midwifery and what it looked like before the modern "comeback".  Written by a midwife herself.

The Gift of Giving Life by Various
Birth stories and information by Latter-Day Saint Women. A touching and unique book chronicling the spiritual development that comes with birth and motherhood.

The Midwife's Tale by Sam Thomas (Interview with the author)
A fictional book about a midwife "way back" accurately chronicling life in London near the revolution. Loved it!

Baby Wise by Ezzo and Company
(OK- I didn't actually like this one and they sure didn't ask me to review it!  HA!)

The Business of Baby by Jennifer Margulis
A review specifically addressing the critics (who probably haven't actually read it) of The Business of Baby.

Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

Natural Birth for the Mainstream Mama by Lauren Rauseo

Free to Breastfeed: Voices of Black Mothers (Anthology)
